So, Saturday evening was my first night out without Miss Emma. My plan was to do nothing all weekend due to sleep deprivation from a newborn but at the last-minute I decided I could take an hour or two and go to dinner and spend some time with my sisters. First, let me start by saying that not having her with me I totally felt naked. I kept looking around with that feeling of "somebody STOLE my BABY, OMG!!" but then after a deep breath realized that she was home safe and sound, snuggling on the couch with her daddy. It was just really nice to relax for a couple of hours without the screaming, spit up, dirty diapers and constant frazzle that comes with being a new mommy.
I remember when "going out" had a totally different meaning than it does now. In past years going out would have been trying to make it to as many bars as humanly possible in one night but over the last two years my lifestyle has changed dramatically. I have some things in my past that I am not proud of but I wouldn't change a second of my life because it has brought me to where I am today. I am a totally different person now thanks to a closer relationship with Christ and newfound attitude on life. I'm a better Christian, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend than I was two years ago. Being a responsible human being is so important to me today. I have responsibilities now and being selfish is not something I aspire to be. Nowadays, going out means having a nice dinner, listening to some music (because me and music go together like pb&j) and having a couple of glasses of Chateau Ste. Michelle Riesling (yum yum). I can't tell you how nice it was to sit there with some lovely ladies and have wonderful conversation, delicious food and tasty wine. Just feeling like a normal human being again was so nice, however I may have shed a tear or two because I missed my sweet girl. At 10:30 I called it a night and headed home. When I walked in the door my sweet
babysitter husband had already fed Emma, (I made sure to leave him with a pumped bottle because I don't think he would have been very happy when she started screaming and he had no boob to give her, although it would have been a funny site to see him try!) put her in her pj's and had her sound asleep. I have the best husband in the world. He's such a great father. I am truly blessed to have him in my life. Every woman needs a "Dustin" in their life. If you are with someone who doesn't respect you, love you unconditionally and treat you life a princess my best advice is to keep on looking. I suppose it is time for me to give him a Guys Night Out. I'm sure he would appreciate a break as well. He can go do....well, whatever it is guys do. Next, up we need a date night. However, that one may just have to wait awhile because I don't think I'm quite ready for one of us to not be with her!
All in all, I would have to say it was a much needed, relaxing evening out!
[caption id="attachment_303" align="alignleft" width="403" caption="My beautiful sisters."]

[caption id="attachment_304" align="alignleft" width="407" caption="My oldest sister Jen and Me"]
