So as you can see I've been M.I.A for awhile. It's mainly due to the fact that I'm lazy. In the Salyer household we are keeping it pretty calm these days. Dustin of course is at work most of the time but on his days off we are spending our time preparing for Emma's arrival, housework, date nights, yard work, family time and church.
I got my Flu shot today! I was a nervous wreck. I have never gotten a Flu shot before and have heard stories where they make you sick and can even bring on Flu symptoms so it took some guts for me to sit down and allow them to stick me with that needle! Thankfully, my sweet husband was the person who gave me the shot. I was nervous at first but he made me very comfortable and he did an amazing job. I hardly felt a thing! Good job babe! Besides a somewhat sore arm and a slight headache I'm fine. So hopefully no Flu for this pregnant girl this winter! To any pregnant ladies out there you should definitely go get your shot. They say that the number one person that should get vaccinated is pregnant women. You can see Dustin at Kmart pharmacy for your shot, he did an amazing job and you won't feel a thing!
In other news, we recently joined a Small Group at church. Since the church we go to is so large it was definitely a must to sign up to meet with a Small Group (which is 4-6 other couples in our age group that meet twice a month for fellowship and a Bible study). We have been attending Living Hope since February and finally decided it was time to step out of our shells and make it a point to meet others and really get active. Dustin is also taking initiative in getting active with all the men of the church and certain volunteer tasks that are going on right now. It's great to see him opening up and stepping out of his comfort zone. I think we all tend to make excuses for ourselves to avoid stepping out of our comforts zones. This church has really opened our eyes to the possibilities out there to witness to others and fellowship with other believers. It's something we have both wanted for so long. A church we can call home and the opportunity to become the Christians we have been longing to be. I look forward to what is in store for us at Living Hope. I'm really looking forward to find where I belong, whether it be working with the young girls, or the nursery or the choir or all of those, who knows! I am so proud of where me and Dustin have come in a year. Every couple experiences difficult times but we were able to push through them and put in the hard work and it's really paid off. God has blessed us tremendously and we are forever grateful. So many people in this world are non believers but I'm here to tell those people you aren't truly living until you live by Grace and the love of God. Every time I see love in my husbands eyes, the joy of family and friends, the kicks of this precious life growing inside me, the sun shining in the sky, the rain that quenches the thirst of this earth, even the hardships put upon us to bring us closer to him and the feeling inside my soul because HE lives in me, I KNOW there is a God and he will forever be my Lord and Saviour.
I am very blessed and can't even fully explain the joy I'm experiencing lately. Last night Dustin finally got to feel Emma kick for the first time. We layed there for thirty minutes just feeling the kicks get stronger. How amazing is that? I mean, there is really a BABY in there! We had an ultrasound last Friday and she's as beautiful as ever. We go back on the 27th for another ultrasound and my Glucose testing. I get to drink a delicious orange pure sugar drink so they can make sure I don't have Gestational Diabetes. Crossing my fingers that goes well. Our ultrasound on Friday still didn't show Emma's entire face so once again we will have another one at our next appointment. She is really cozy in her spot and hasn't seemed to want to budge. Although, last night with as strong as her kicking was, I really think she has changed positions. I'm feeling her almost all the time now and her kicks are very strong so maybe that means we will actually get some good pictures of her next time! We hope so anyway!
Ok, now it's picture time!
23 weeks :)

I think she's gonna be a big baby!

Yay me!