As for the nursery...In the beginning of all of this we decided to hold off on decorating the nursery until at least October or later, that is until my husband changed his mind this weekend. Crazy enough, he was the one who got the idea to move the office furniture into the sun room and start painting. I was shocked because he was the one telling me that I was going to be chomping to get everything done. Looks like he was wrong. It was him instead. It's so crazy to see how anxious he is to meet this little girl. Somehow I think he is more excited than me if that is even possible! We spent the weekend cleaning rooms, emptying the nursery closet, moving furniture and painting walls. I even got crafty and made two decorations for Emma's room (I loooove Hobby Lobby!). I think it's also another hobby I have found. Arts and crafts and anything that looks interesting at Hobby Lobby. It feels great to know that I personally made decorations for her room instead of just purchasing them. I think it's special. Thanks to my sister for all her help and the hard work my husband put into the nursery this weekend. Now, pictures anyone?
This is the new office. We moved it into our sun room and it turned out great. Well except for the fact that it isn't heated or cooled. We will have to get a heater in there so Dustin doesn't freeze his tush off this winter!
The walls were grey before we painted. So here is a before shot.
A work in progress!
Finished paint job!
Time to stencil the walls. I was going to do it but it hurt to stretch that much so my sweet husband got pulled into doing it. He's the best! I sat in the room the whole time he did it and it wasn't easy so props to him.
Ain't it so pretty!?
Decorations for Emma's room!
It is really starting to come together. I'm so glad we got the hard part of the room out of the way early. Now we just need to finish getting all the furniture and things on the walls, but there is PLENTY of time for that. 19 weeks to be exact. It seems like forever until we will be able to meet our baby but she will be here before we know it. I'm really trying hard not to rush it. I want to take the time to enjoy this pregnancy and the last little bit of it just being me and Dustin but it's hard because we both want her here so much! Soon enough though. January isn't all that far away.
Her room is gonna be so cute! She'll be in that crib before you know it!