I am married to my husband of ten years Dustin and we have two beautiful daughters, Emma and Madelyn. Life has gotten much busier with a promotion for Dustin, Emma in ball and wrangling a one year old but we wouldn't have it any other way. Life is crazy but we are so grateful to the Lord for allowing us to live this life. All the glory to him!
The Salyers

Thursday, April 28, 2011
So close!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cbXQh2OPgk&w=425&h=349]
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Spring Time Sweetness
[caption id="attachment_358" align="aligncenter" width="307" caption="Baby's first Easter egg hunt!"]
[caption id="attachment_359" align="aligncenter" width="287" caption="Emma's new outside swing. She LOVES it!"]
LOVE THAT BABY! She loves to be outside and so does mommy. We were in the yard all day Saturday. We even opened our pool. Now it just needs to hurry up and get warm so we can enjoy it! Can't wait to get this baby in her bathing suit and sun hat!
Easter Extravaganza
[caption id="attachment_347" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="All the kids waiting patiently to hunt eggs. All but my nephew (far right) that is. He looks like he could care less."]
[caption id="attachment_348" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Warming up (because we are pro's and everything)"]
[caption id="attachment_349" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Check out that form people!"]
[caption id="attachment_350" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Emma and my mom looking unimpressed at our softball skills."]
[caption id="attachment_351" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Me striking out my hubby :)"]
Now for some family pics!
[caption id="attachment_352" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="They match :)"]
[caption id="attachment_353" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Pretty Girl"]
[caption id="attachment_354" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Love these two more than life itself."]
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Baby's First Easter
[caption id="attachment_338" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="This girl racked up!"]
[caption id="attachment_339" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Monkey Bibs!"]
[caption id="attachment_340" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Chocolate bunny and Caburry Eggs (for me of course!) and some Paci's"]
[caption id="attachment_341" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Monkey Security Blanket"]
[caption id="attachment_342" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Rattle and Chew Toy"]
[caption id="attachment_343" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Two cute outfits!"]
Overall, I think her basket turned out great. That Easter bunny didn't do too shabby.
I love Easter, it is my second favorite holiday, Christmas being first. I love getting all dolled up on Easter Sunday for church and eating tons of Cadbury Eggs but besides that I LOVE hearing the story of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on that cross. It gives me chills just thinking about it. What he went through for you and for me....it's unimaginable. Tonight I did Resurrection Eggs with Emma (yeah yeah, it's never too early to teach her!) and my niece and nephew. They loved it and so did I. Picturing all the steps that took place before Jesus took his last breath brings me to tears. The amazing, unselfish sacrifice he made means that one day when I leave this world I will spend eternity with my Saviour. Do YOU know the love of my Saviour? I pray you do because you will never find another love like it. With out him I am NOTHING.
Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior.
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord.
Up from the grave he arose.
With a mighty triumph o’er his foes.
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
And he lives forever with his saints to reign.
He arose, he arose, hallelujah, Christ arose.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if I ever get back...
Wednesday, man did we have a busy day! That morning I got up and snuggled with goose for a bit and then left her with her daddy so I could go to the gym to work on my fitness. After the gym and a much needed shower, we all got ready and went to the dentist. ALL of us. As in Dustin, myself and Emma. Emma of course needed no dental work seeing as though she's all gums still but mommy and daddy both needed a cleaning. Why my husband scheduled us to both go at the same time I'll never know. I went back first, leaving goose with her dad. She was not too happy about that. I could hear her from my dental chair all the way from the waiting room. When it was Dustin's turn to go back some of the girls in the office were sweet enough to watch Emma while we got our teeth nice and clean. I really do love our dentist. All the staff is so great and they had us in and out in no time. Afterwards, we headed to run a few more errands around town before picking up some other family members and heading to a Bowling Green Hot Rods baseball game. I wasn't sure how Emma would do through a three hour game but she did great! I should have known. The baby could stay outside all day. I'm so glad the weather is nice now so that I can get her out of the house more. The weather for the game was gorgeous. After the sun went down it was 70 degrees without a cloud in the sky. Perfect baseball weather. She had a moment where she got a little fussy but after a bottle and wrapping her up in a blanket she was out cold by the 7th inning stretch. She just couldn't hang until the end but she really did enjoy it. All the music they play and bright lights kept her attention. I can't wait to take her back! I just love being a family of three and still being able to go and enjoy the things we did before. It's just more special now. :-)
Have I mentioned how much I love being a mom? Cause I do. Like, a whole lot.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
There were two in the bed and the little one said "Roll Over, Roll Over"
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alrWCdjdsws&w=480&h=390]
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Playing Catch Up
- Me and Dustin enjoyed a date night in Nashville. We enjoyed dinner at J. Alexanders and a comedy show at Zanies. It was so strange not having Emma with us but so nice to enjoy a wonderful dinner with no kids! It was much needed.
- I got a sinus infection. I was down for a few days. I realized that being sick is much different now that I'm a mom. You just have to suck it up and keep trucking because there is still a tiny being that needs to be taken care of.
- I had Emma this past week a lot without the help of Dustin. He worked quite a bit last week and out of town at that. I was also sick remember? I have been TIRED!
- We had a yard sale at my mom's house on Thursday and Friday. Getting up at dawn and packing up me and baby to be at my moms by 7:30 am was not an easy task but I accomplished it. I only ended up making $13o for both days which to me doesn't hardly seem like enough for all the blood sweat and tears we poured into it. Come Saturday I was totally beat and still trying to recoup from my sinus infection. No rest of course though because hubs was working all day.
- Sunday was church. Daddy and baby stayed home because neither one of them felt very good. Bad mommy for passing on her sickness. After I left church I headed to the grocery store for some much needed food. I can never seem to find time to grocery shop either. After unloading groceries and putting them away we had some Mexican food for lunch and I spent the rest of the afternoon at the mall shopping for baby clothes. She is growing so fast!!
- Monday I took Emma to the doctor because I was almost certain she had an ear infection. I thought wrong. Only teething and maybe a slight cold since she was running a low-grade fever. I forgot to mention that on this particular day I had to reschedule her doctor's appointment twice that day because I couldn't find my keys. I was running around like a mad woman searching for them while my baby was screaming her poor head off in her car seat. My mom had to end up coming to get us. Did I also mention that it was a monsoon outside? Pretty sure that by the time I got back home I was drenched from head to toe. Miserable miserable day.
- Today I have spent my time relaxing and pampering myself since daddy is home from work. I got to sleep in (do I hear angels singing?), I went to the gym for a great hour work out, I went and got a pedicure and manicure, I sat and ate lunch with no baby crying (I think I forgot how to finish a meal), I've also caught up on baby laundry and now I'm actually able to sit and write a post on my blog! So thankful for when daddy has days off :)
Well that should pretty much catch you up on what's going on in the Salyer household. I'm looking forward to the remainder of this week because Dustin is home all week and weekend long. I will pay for this though when he is out of town for five nights next week, but I'm trying not to think about that. I just want to enjoy having him home. We are heading to Virginia on Thursday morning. It's our first trip to visit his family since Emma was born and they are all looking forward to seeing her. They won't even recognize her! She's getting so big. See for yourself...
[caption id="attachment_313" align="aligncenter" width="410" caption="Look at those legs"]
[caption id="attachment_315" align="aligncenter" width="461" caption="She loves looking at her toys!"]
[caption id="attachment_316" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Lounging on the couch."]
[caption id="attachment_317" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Mommy and Daddy enjoying a date night!"]
Friday, April 1, 2011
Oh time. Such a simple word isn't it? You may think so but I don't know where time goes. Time is running away from me. I read several blogs where these women have also just had a baby and they blog every day. Are they super human? I am struggling to post once a week and sometimes it's two weeks. Am I a slacker or not able to multitask? I miss blogging. I tell myself at some point every day that I'm going to sit down and post and as soon as I go to type something I have a baby cry because she's hungry or has a dirty diaper or just wants my undivided attention. We are definitely finding a rythm now and I don't want to jinx myself for saying the word "schedule" but we are in a good groove. Yet, I still can't find time to get everything done during the day. Laundry piles up, my dogs go without baths and the affection they so desperately need, the dishes pile up, naps for mom are a joke(if your a new mom who is able to nap I need your secrets!), my hardwood floors never shine anymore(my Shark steam mop I got for Christmas is feeling a bit lonely in the closet)...I really could go on and on. I know as Emma gets older I will adjust more but I feel behind. She will be 3 months old in just a few days (wow...where is TIME going) and I still feel like I'm always playing catch up. I usually have one to two days a week where I am able to cram all the chores in and ge stuff done. It's usually the days Dustin is off from work. Poor guy...he works 40 and 50 hours a week and on his days off I put him to work. Neither one of us ever get a break. I see now why people hire Merry Maids! I'm really hoping to start posting more. Hopefully my days slow down and I can start finding some extra time in the day to post. I say I never have time to get anything done but I'm keeping up with Emma's baby book and I started a scrap book for her. At least memories are getting documented so we can look back on them. One thing I am looking forward to is my first date night out with the hubs tomorrow night. No baby...just the two of us. We are going to Nashville for a nice dinner at J.Alexander's and a comedy show at Zanies. I'm so excited but I'm sure our conversation will mostly be about Goose and how she's growing so fast. I'm going to miss her but its just for a few hours. I think getting dolled up for a night with my man is just what we both need. Hopefully, I will find TIME on Monday to post about our evening out. Oh if there could be more hours in a day!