The Salyers

The Salyers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

So close!

Have I mentioned how big this baby is getting? She thinks it's ok that she grows up faster than she's supposed to. I'm not ok with that though. This baby is an inch away from rolling from back to belly. That's not supposed to happen til around the 5 month mark right? I think we are days away from the full roll over. I remember when she went from belly to back how proud I was, so I can't imagine how proud I will be for this next milestone! Check this cuteness out!



  1. You better put a heavy book or something on her to slow the progress....

  2. Go, Emma, go!! What a big girl! That is awesome. She's tired of this "baby stuff" rolling from her belly to back; she's ready to move onto to bigger and better things! haha... So cute.

    Oh! I saw Leeha at the gas station last week, and we decided that the 3 of us need to get together and hang out while Jude and Emma play. :)

    Hope y'all are doing great!
