- She is laughing. We finally got the sweetest chuckle out of her. I however being so excited about it forgot to pick up my phone and record it. I've yet to be able to get her to do it again. Go figure. She's a bit stubborn.
- She is finally rolling from back to tummy! I was so excited for her. She really thinks she is a big girl. Every time I lay her on her play mat she immediately rolls over. She's figured it out and she's obsessed with rolling over. I guess we better baby proof because she'll be crawling before we know it.
- I'm not sure how much she weighs for sure but she's definitely over 16 pounds.
- She is still doing well in her crib. She had a hard time napping over Memorial Day weekend with all the commotion but I'm hoping she makes up her naps throughout the week.
- She is reaching for everything and sticks whatever she can find in her mouth. What a slobber machine I have on my hands.
- She is in love with baby food. All the child does is eat. I think I'm going to try using the Baby Food cook book this week, that my friend Erin got for me.
- She's found my hair. Once she grabs hold, there is no prying the death grip that her little fingers have on my hair. Guess it's ponytails from here on out.
- She loves the pool. I have a water baby for sure.
- She's getting shy. When somebody comes up and talks to her she smiles and turns her head away. It's the cutest thing ever!
She's perfect. Absolutely perfect. I don't even remember what life was like before her.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fom-BWOvygk&w=425&h=349]