Sunday morning me and Emma slept in while daddy made mommy breakfast. He of course made my favorite. Pancakes! During breakfast I opened my cards. Emma even signed her own card. It was too cute. There were no presents to open but only because
I'm not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed because for weeks I had been hyping up Mother's Day and what an important one it was since it was my FIRST. I even mentioned several times wanting something sentimental that represents Emma so on Sunday morning when there was nothing to open I was sad. I then quickly realized while watching my husband, the father of my sweet baby, feeding Emma her cereal and talking to her that I didn't need a physical gift because the gift was sitting right in front of me. I'm a wife to an amazing man and the mother to the most precious little baby in the whole wide world.
After, breakfast and some snuggle time with my sweet goose we got ourselves ready to head to my moms. We bypassed church since we had plans to plant my moms garden for her that day. After opening some gifts from my mom and sisters we headed outside in the beautiful sunshine to plant my moms garden. It turned out great and I'm looking forward to reaping the benefits of it :) YUM YUM
The night ended with Dustin feeding and putting Emma to bed (in her crib, such a big girl) and then an hour long massage for mommy! I however missed the last thirty minutes of the massage because I passed out cold! Being a mom is hard work man.
Overall, it was a perfect first Mother's Day. I am so amazingly blessed to be Emma's mommy. When I pictured myself as a mother when I was a child I could have never fathomed it being this perfect and wonderful. I am so incredibly in love with this baby girl and I thank God every day for blessing me with her.
[caption id="attachment_382" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Finding out Emma was on her way!"]
[caption id="attachment_384" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Waiting patiently for her arrival..."]
[caption id="attachment_385" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Perfection. Best day of my life."]
[caption id="attachment_386" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="My everything."]
aww! I lectured my hubs about "no gifts" in the opposite direction! I just wanted to spend the day doing stuff I wanted to do with them and refused to take a gift. I hope yours comes soon and it's everything you wanted!!!