We took Emma to her very first fair two nights ago. It did not go over well. I had a feeling as the day went on that she may not do well. She didn't nap well that day and was just plain crabby. It didn't change once we arrived at the fair. As soon as we walked through the gate she started screaming bloody murder. Every little thing was scaring her. Normally, she would have loved it. Not really sure what got into her. Let me set the scene for you. It was seven trillion (yes trillion) degrees outside. It was so muggy you couldn't breathe. It was very loud. It was hot. Oh did I mention that already? It was a lot of smells all mixed together (corn dogs, sweaty people, smoke and dirt from the figure eight race going on, did I mention sweaty people?). Because of all these things and Emma's terrible mood we had to carry her the entire time. She was NOT having any part of her stroller. Why didn't we just leave you ask? Because the tickets were ten bucks a person to get in and by gosh we were going to get our ten dollars worth. We are retarded, duh. After the sun finally went down, the heat subsided a very teensy weensy small bit. Do you think that really made Emma any happier? Umm no. I'm still kicking myself for even staying that long because we were only torturing ourselves. We rode all of ONE ride (which was a little worrisome since it was sitting on ply wood because the ground wasn't even). We ate one very large, nasty corn dog, we drank five hundred bottles of water and one coke. Dustin downed a funnel cake in about 2.5 seconds because I was about to have a nervous breakdown with said fussy baby. We played one game (the duck in a pond game, everyone is a winner so does it even count?). We watched one round of the figure eight race (Emma was not a fan of those loud cars). We attempted to ride the carousel with her but they wouldn't let her ride. 36 inches or taller they said. Boo. We did however get to spend time with my parents and some great friends of ours. They have a baby boy that is three weeks younger than Emma. He loved the fair. He even slept for half of it. Lucky lucky lucky. I wanted to trade babies for the night. I guess overall it was a good night with great company.
Wow Mom. Dim the lights please.
Thanks Mom. Hey Gage, wanna play with some grass and not the bad kind if ya know what I mean, my momma has told me to always Just. Say. No. She's teaching me young,
See Gage, isn't this fun?
When do you think our mommies will let us go on a date?
My dad says I'm never going to date boys but I think he's just silly. I will just bat my eyes and he'll give in.
I think my momma is going to be the strict one. It's ok though Gage, I'll just sneak my dada's phone and call you later :)