Wow, is time flying by or what! Little Miss is over seven months old already. Not really sure when it happened but she is turning into her own little person. I already miss the early days. The days of peacefully sleeping all day, sweet little dreamy smiles, looking around in awe and figuring out her surroundings, little baby clothes, newborn diapers and the cuddling..oh how I miss that the most. I may be missing all these things terribly but I really am enjoying this new stage. She is so much fun.
Let's see what's new shall we...
- I'm pretty sure my baby is preparing herself for the army already. She is scooting on her belly EVERYWHERE. Baby proofing is already in the process. Fireplace padded, CHECK. Getting our dogs groomed tomorrow so that Emma can no longer pull out chunks of their hair, CHECK CHECK!
- She says momma! Well, I'm sure she doesn't get that I am momma but she says it so that's all that matters. It sounds about like ma ma ma ma ma and she says it the most when she's eating so she probably associates "momma" with "food". She's a smart one already folks. Also, no dada yet. I'm sure if he started whipping out his wallet she would start saying it. Her only sounds so far are ba ba ba ba ba, ma ma ma ma, baby gibberish that I cannot understand and ear piercing shrieks.
- She has one sweet little toofer and more are coming. She has been a little crabby lately and I'm positive it's those teeth bothering her. I have to say I'm ready for those bad boys to come in already. However, that one little snaggle tooth shining is just the sweetest.
- She is still sleeping through the night (knock on wood). She is usually asleep around 9 if we aren't out somewhere (sometimes it's 10 or 11) and awake between 8 and 9 the next morning. I am one lucky momma. I can't believe I have a baby that sleeps.
- She loves to sit in a cart while shopping or in a high chair at restaurants. She thinks she is so big. She sits there smiling and just waiting for somebody to stop and say how cute she is.
- Naps these days are rough. I shouldn't complain, she sleeps 12 hours a night. I only wish she would take a long nap everyday that way I had a little free time during the day. The cat naps are killing me. Twenty minutes here and thirty minutes there are better than nothing I suppose.
- She's around 18ish pounds now. My chunky monkey as I like to call her. She's in 6 to 9 month clothes. Some 6 month clothes are starting to get a bit snug though. She's also a fat roll away from a size 3 diaper. Oh those rolls....they are precious I tell you. I think she also stores things in there for the winter. Fat babies have to eat ya know.
- Emma has the best personality right now. She's really starting to come out of her baby skin. She loves people but sometimes will tuck her head into me when a stranger comes up to her to tell her hello. She's really not shy so I think it's just a game to her.
- She sits up on her own now. She still wobbles sometimes but is starting to catch herself and adjust. She still topples over sometimes though. She is also pulling up onto things now. She started making her way towards the fireplace and pulling up on it. Hence the baby proofing in bullet numero uno.
My big beautiful girl.
Do you have kids?
If so, what was your favorite stage?
Are you baby proofing?
If so, what are you doing to make your bambino safe?
Comment and share!
oh my gosh 7 months? Already?! I cannot believe it. I really can't! That means that Peanut is almost 7 months and I just REFUSE to believe that. Jon and I desperately need to get on the baby proofing. Ours refuses to spend more than a couple of minutes on her belly but absolutely INSISTS that she is to be walked around (us holding her hands and her shuffling her little feet) the house 24/7. I stopped by daycare the other day and the lady looked beat. I asked her if Addi's been demanding (yes, she DEMANDS) to be walked around and she said, YES ITS KILLING MY BACK! Lol I guess she knows what she wants? :) Happy 7 months Emma!