The Salyers

The Salyers

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hoppy Birthday to Me!

Today I am 25 years old.  However, sometimes I feel much older than that.  I think it's the whole having a kid thing.  Before Emma I felt young and vibrant now I just feel tired, fat and like I'm living in a whirlwind.  Not that I would change that for anything because hello, I love my bebe.  I am hoping that this trip to Florida makes me feel young, fresh and full of energy.  I am CROSSING MY FINGERS that Tropical Storm Lee and Hurricane Katia don't put a damper on our beach vacation.  I really hope these weather peeps be wrong yo because they are totally killing my birthday/vacation mood! On a happier note, I got presents this morning.  Oh how I loooove presents.  Not just getting them but giving them.  I could spend all day shopping to make someone else's day fabtabulous.  My husband is the sweetest.  He got me not ONE but TWO cards.  I'm special like that.  One was just a cute one reminiscing about days of old when my husband thought I had a cute booty (those days are gone because well I gave birth to a baby).  I'm pretty sure he still thinks I'm cute though so that's good.  The second card was so sweet.  If you have heard the Carrie Underwood/Brad Paisley Duet "Remind Me", it's pretty much that song to a T.  How sweet is it when your husband tells you he wants to fall in love with you all over again? Need a tissue? He's so sweet.  Let's see what was inside my bag of goodies shall we...

This is the awesome Paul Mitchell flat iron I've been dying for!
This is my favorite hairspray ever.  It smells like cotton candy.  If you get it you will want to eat your hair!
 My most favorite candy in the whole wide world.

 WaaaawaaaawaaaaWipe Out!! (This game is hard! I opened it immediately and tried it out.)

This yummy candle.  Mmm I love the smell of vanilla.
So there you have it.  How did he do? I think he did GREAT! Well I'm off to finish packing for our rainy beach vacation.  See ya'll on the flip side!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 25th!!!!!!! I didn't realize how young you were! (that's not to say that I thought you were old lol but you sound like you're so much more experienced)
