So far so good! At 16 weeks 4 days I am feeling great, besides the scorching heat outside and some extreme fatigue and mood swings in the first trimester. I have been very fortunate to not have ANY morning sickness this entire pregnancy. I did experience the repercussions of dehydration from a stomach virus recently. It wasn't a fun experience. I ended up at the doctor and had to have an IV drip of Phenergan, Zantac and fluids. I do not do well with needles so when the lady couldn't find a good vein due to the dehydration, I started getting dizzy and fainted. I have never fainted before and I don't wish it on anyone. It was terrifying to wake up and forget where you are, with strangers standing over you. They eventually got me hooked up to the IV and all was well from then on. I was there for about seven hours and slept the entire time. After a week of rest I am back to my same old self, thank goodness!
On August 31st we will find out the sex of the baby. I just don't know if I can wait that long. Patience is one virtue I need to learn before this baby arrives. I can't wait to call this baby by name instead of just calling he or she baby! I will be happy with a boy or girl. I just want a healthy baby. My family is determined it's a girl but several friends and myself are leaning towards boy. We will just have to wait and see! Three and a half weeks until we will know. Hoping time flies by!
16 weeks 2 days
Only 24 more weeks to go!
I've never been so impatient in my life than I was waiting to find out if Sam was a boy or a girl! Now I can't wait to find out what you're having! You better let me know asap! So excited for you guys and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks. Glad you're back to blogging, maybe I'll join you someday.