Today I am 20 weeks. I would love to know where these last 20 weeks have gone! They have really gone by fast. Now if the last 20 weeks will go this fast, that's the question. They say that your last trimester goes by extremely slow but hopefully with everything we have going on in the next few months will help the time. I will be busy with holidays, Halloween (already have our costume idea!), Thanksgiving, Christmas and weddings and shopping for baby and preparing nursery for baby...I think that should keep me busy!
Tomorrow is our doctor's appointment to determine gender! They will also do the in-depth ultrasound to check the baby's spine and brain and make sure it's growing normally. It's definitely a big day for us! I've been looking forward to this milestone in this pregnancy since I found out. I will definitely post tomorrow and give all the details!
Now, how about some pictures of the furniture!
Dustin putting the crib together. He was so cute making sure every bolt was extra tight. He was worried it wouldn't be enough support. Worried dad already :)
This is it! Sorry for the fuzzy picture quality. I took this from my cell phone. Regardless of quality, soon there will be a baby sleeping in this :)
If you would like to see a better quality picture just click here.
I will admit, I have been a little crazy these last few weeks waiting on this 20 week appointment. To pass time I chose to figure out themes for the nursery and all the furniture. I spend days looking for the perfect rocking chair and just wasn't having any luck. I do not want a glider. I am not a fan of the motion of gliders and really want to rock my baby. I also don't want a wooden rocking chair because they are uncomfortable and are noisy. All I could find were gliders, wooden rocking chairs and very expensive rocking recliners. I was about to give up when I came across a picture on one of my friends Facebook pages. She recently had a precious little baby girl and in the picture she is sitting in the coolest rocking chair I've ever seen. I was able to get all the details of where she found hers and we have officially chose our chair! It's called a Puff Rocking Chair and I may just never want to get out of it. Just the name alone sounds heavenly. Thanks Grace for referring me to this chair. Can't wait until we get it!
Make sure to stay tuned for the results of our ultrasound tomorrow!
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