- I only gained 2.6 pounds in a 4 week period! I WAS SO NERVOUS stepping on that scale. I can definitely handle that kind of weight gain. Much better than 9 pounds. My doctor was so proud of me and I was pretty proud of myself. I guess the exercise and watching what I eat paid off.
- Baby's heartbeat was a strong 150 bpm. Lower than what it normally is but still perfect.
- I am measuring right at 28 weeks which is perfect.
- I start going every TWO weeks now! Where has time gone?
- At my next appointment we get to see Emma up close and personal. We are getting a FREE 3D/4D ultrasound. My doctor is the best :)
- I also realize that I'm in my third trimester now so I really need to keep up with my exercise routine and diet, regardless of being tired again. I'm still holding on to my energy by a thread. I just don't know how I'm going to continue exercise when I'm 9 months pregnant!
- When does nesting kick in? I definitely haven't found it yet.
- Overall, everything is perfect. My doctor says that I'm having an amazing pregnancy and couldn't be happier with my progress. Now if it just leads to an amazingly easy delivery :)

I am married to my husband of ten years Dustin and we have two beautiful daughters, Emma and Madelyn. Life has gotten much busier with a promotion for Dustin, Emma in ball and wrangling a one year old but we wouldn't have it any other way. Life is crazy but we are so grateful to the Lord for allowing us to live this life. All the glory to him!
The Salyers

Thursday, October 28, 2010
28 Week Appointment
I realize I am two days late on this post and I have no real excuse. Just laziness and not really wanting to take the time to write it. You would think that I would want to seeing as though my appointment went so great!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hello Monday
So how did your weekend go? Hopefully swell. Mine was wonderful. We went to our Ready, Set Go! tour at the hospital on Thursday, left for Virginia on Friday, visited with his family that evening, wedding on Saturday and trip home Sunday. Here is the weekend in a nutshell bullet point style (because that's how I roll on a Monday).
Picture time!
*Cancel the pictures. WordPress is being stupid and won't upload anything. If you want to see pictures from the wedding they are on my Facebook page anyway.
- Seeing the maternity unit and nursery really makes everything SO REAL.
- Seeing the newborn babies made me melt. I was really close to sticking one of them in my purse. They were just that cute :)
- Dustin was so calm, cool and collected. I asked if walking through the unit made him scared at all and he casually said "Nope". Lies, Lies I say!
- Our drive to Virginia went so smoothly. My feet and hands did swell just a little but not bad. I even stayed awake 99.8 percent of the trip. Honestly, I don't think a 10 minute cat nap counts. Especially when you get woke up to your husband braking hard every ten minutes. I don't know how many times I have to tell him to LIGHTLY tap the brakes...
- Seeing his family was so great. The weather in Abingdon was wonderful. Really makes me love Fall even more. His mom definitely spoiled us. She ironed clothes, cooked us breakfast, took us to dinner and pretty much waited on us hand and foot. It was much appreciated!
- His brother's wedding on Saturday was gorgeous. It was an outdoor wedding and the weather was perfect. Bride and Groom both looked terrific. I'm so happy for them and wish them all the love and happiness in the world! Welcome to the family Leah!
- Sunday we made the 5 1/2 hour trek home. Once again I only got about a 10 minute snooze. Mainly due to the fact that I had to stop every hour to pee, eat, listen to the Titans game on the radio or the dogs had to pee :)
- I went to bed at 9 last night and didn't wake up until 9 this morning. Yep, that's right, I slept 12 hours and I loved every minute of it.
- I did a mile on the elliptical earlier and it almost killed me. Too much Coca Cola and chocolate wedding cake this weekend. Shame shame.
- Oh and did I mention I'm 28 weeks today, that's 7 months if you can't multiply! I am officially in my third trimester. It's surreal. We are in the home stretch baby girl. Almost time to meet your precious face!
- Tomorrow is my 28 week appointment. I will update tomorrow with the details. I'm hoping my weight gain is right on track this time. I really have been working on it so it better be a number I want to see!
Picture time!
*Cancel the pictures. WordPress is being stupid and won't upload anything. If you want to see pictures from the wedding they are on my Facebook page anyway.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pregnancy Emotions
Why is it when you are pregnant, there is no controlling your emotions? For the past two days I've been a wreck. Moody, touchy, tearful, emotional, angry and so sensitive. The smallest things can set me off. And big things really get me going. When I get upset I try calming myself down because I really shouldn't get myself so worked up but once I start crying I just can't stop. Being an emotional wreck is one of the symptoms I've figured out that never goes away. I've had it since I found out I was pregnant. I just don't know how to control it. It's really making me depressed. I also feel extremely cooped up in this house which makes me even crazier. Fortunately, we are leaving for a trip to Virginia this weekend so hopefully two days away will help. This week is just really getting to me. I need to remember that I can't fix everything and that God is in control. I need to turn these emotions over to him and put him in control. Hopefully, the remainder of the week goes better than the first part. Crossing my fingers...
Sorry for the ho hum blog today. Just really needed to vent and release some tension.
Sorry for the ho hum blog today. Just really needed to vent and release some tension.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Third Trimester here I come!
I'm 27 weeks today and still feeling pretty good. Woo Who! I've been longing for the third trimester to get here. It's so close! However, I am definitely starting to lose all the energy I have had in this second trimester. I'm desperately holding on to it for dear life. I still have three months left, so if I can hang on to my energy I'm going to. I feel healthy though. Still no complications so far. Everything has gone so smoothly and I'm so grateful. I do think my mood is starting to shift back into the grumpy, I'm pregnant, don't make me mad attitude. I'm really trying to watch it and make sure it stays in check but it's tough. With pregnancy comes crazy emotions so it's definitely hard to keep them under control but I'm working on it. Still trying to be more active. I wouldn't consider using the elliptical twice a week very active for a non pregnant person but if I'm getting in two times a week I'm happy with that. I'm also still trying to eat better. During the week I'm pretty strict on what I eat and I give myself a few treats on the weekend. Still, it's not easy but I'm working on it and feel like I'm doing better. I'm trying to stay positive and look forward to all the great things coming up. We have a wedding next weekend, the baby shower in three weeks, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then baby. My previous post had mentioned wanting a babymoon but I'm almost positive that isn't going to happen. We are just running out of time for a trip and really don't need to spend any extra money on a mini vacation right before we add a third member to our family. I suppose we will just take a trip as a family of three after Emma arrives. Maybe in the Spring.
How Emma is changing:
We are most definitely ready to meet her. Everyone says not to rush it and I even tell myself this but it's impossible. I can only hope that these next three months don't drag by and January will be here before I know it. I told Dustin the other day that I'm ready to decorate for Christmas. It's not even Halloween yet!
Speaking of decorating, we are almost finished with the nursery! All we have left to purchase is the rocking chair! We got the mattress for the crib, so bed is ready and over the weekend I made the letters to hang behind her bed (because I'm so crafty like that!).
Pictures anyone?
27 weeks!


I have to say, I'm very proud of myself. I was NEVER crafty before this baby, but as soon as I found out it was a girl something came over me. I love that I put the time into her room and am hand making most of her decorations. Instead of spending $50.00 on letters I only spent half that. I think they turned out pretty good :)
How Emma is changing:
- She is around two pounds now and plumping up by the day!
- Her lungs are capable of working outside the womb with the help of doctors and medicine (finally starting to get out of the scary stages!)
- She is around 15 inches long.
- She can hear and recognize voices. Mainly mine I'm sure, since she hears me talk all day long!
- She's opening and closing her eyes and sucking her fingers.
- Hiccups are a daily occurrence and TOO CUTE!
We are most definitely ready to meet her. Everyone says not to rush it and I even tell myself this but it's impossible. I can only hope that these next three months don't drag by and January will be here before I know it. I told Dustin the other day that I'm ready to decorate for Christmas. It's not even Halloween yet!
Speaking of decorating, we are almost finished with the nursery! All we have left to purchase is the rocking chair! We got the mattress for the crib, so bed is ready and over the weekend I made the letters to hang behind her bed (because I'm so crafty like that!).
Pictures anyone?
27 weeks!
I have to say, I'm very proud of myself. I was NEVER crafty before this baby, but as soon as I found out it was a girl something came over me. I love that I put the time into her room and am hand making most of her decorations. Instead of spending $50.00 on letters I only spent half that. I think they turned out pretty good :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Oh babymoon, where art thou?
Really wishing I were here right now....
I have this urge to want to travel because I know my days are numbered on the whole traveling thing. I have been craving Gatlinburg ever since the leaves started changing and the weather got cooler. We usually go once a year and around this time and I can't stop thinking about the mountains, the shops, the restaurants, sweaters and jeans for walking around downtown, candy apples....Oh the list goes on and on. We are going to Virgina for Dustin's brothers wedding on the 22nd of this month and it's a shame we won't have any extra time to stop in Gatlinburg on our way since we pass right by there anyway. We have talked about a weekend that would work for us but most of our weekends are booked and we really hate to spend any money right now with the baby coming in January. However, I think the trip is a great investment. It will be our last trip as a family of two. After Emma arrives it will be hard to find time for ourselves. I would say our limit on traveling would be middle to end of November so maybe, just maybe we can squeeze a trip in before then!
Dreaming of a trip to the mountains...
I have this urge to want to travel because I know my days are numbered on the whole traveling thing. I have been craving Gatlinburg ever since the leaves started changing and the weather got cooler. We usually go once a year and around this time and I can't stop thinking about the mountains, the shops, the restaurants, sweaters and jeans for walking around downtown, candy apples....Oh the list goes on and on. We are going to Virgina for Dustin's brothers wedding on the 22nd of this month and it's a shame we won't have any extra time to stop in Gatlinburg on our way since we pass right by there anyway. We have talked about a weekend that would work for us but most of our weekends are booked and we really hate to spend any money right now with the baby coming in January. However, I think the trip is a great investment. It will be our last trip as a family of two. After Emma arrives it will be hard to find time for ourselves. I would say our limit on traveling would be middle to end of November so maybe, just maybe we can squeeze a trip in before then!
Dreaming of a trip to the mountains...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Best Shoes EVER!
Yesterday one of best friends in the world came up from Tennessee to visit and we had such a great time. We went to dinner and a movie, but before that we went to Shoe Carnival and I bought the best shoes in the whole world. I DO love my Uggs (they may still be my favorite) but these shoes are amazing. I have a very wide foot and fortunately they make these in wides, so they fit perfect. They will be even more comfortable when my feet are swollen in a few months! I recommend Sperry's to all.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Recently, I have really been struggling to find motivation. I don't work so sitting at home all day has really been making me lonely and bored, yet I have no energy to get out and do anything. The weather has been amazing recently and I haven't even been outside walking. I haven't even wanted to clean my house which is totally unlike me. Somewhere along the line in this pregnancy I forgot that I have to stay active and watch the weight I gain. In the beginning I did so well and as time went on I decided I didn't care anymore. I took the whole "I'm eating for two" attitude, which has added unwanted pounds and laziness. At my last doctor's appointment I gained NINE pounds (GASP!). I think my mouth hit the floor when I saw the numbers on the scale. I hadn't even been keeping up with my weight at home because I didn't want to see the damage. My doctor nicely told me that at this point in my pregnancy I will start gaining the most weight so I may want to watch it from here on out. Especially my carbohydrates. The only problem with that is carbs are my absolute favorite. I am a potato anything, bread and pasta eating fool. After the appointment I really started thinking about what I had been putting in my body and how lazy I have been. In the last two weeks I have really been watching what food I put in my body. Portion size is a huge problem for me and I'm measuring things out now. I never realized how much cereal I put in my bowl until I started measuring out the serving size. I'm also incorporating a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, as well as limiting my bread intake and fatty carbs. I even started using our elliptical again after two years! It had about 5 inches of dust on it, but I just figured if I'm going to lose this baby weight after she arrives I need to start being active now. Two days in a row I've done a mile on the elliptical (which isn't much but it's a start) and I feel so much better. I really just hope that I can stick with it. I'm not going to lie, it's extremely hard. I wasn't even exercising or eating right before the pregnancy and now I'm starting a healthy life style...I sound crazy! Everyone tells me to eat what I want, that I have an excuse and I'm pregnant so it's ok, but in reality it's not ok. Not at all. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant and have to get in gear now or I'm going to be in trouble come January. Just wish me luck that I can stick with it. As my third trimester approached I'm afraid I'm going to lose all of my energy and all this hard work will be for nothing. Crossing my fingers I stay motivated.
Today has been a great Friday so far. I worked out (go me!), I cleaned the entire house and finished (as in washing, folding, putting away) all of our laundry, we got the pool closed up for winter, and I am going to dinner and a movie with one of my dearest friends tonight. I'm so looking forward to a wonderful weekend with Dustin (since he's finally off work after 7 days straight). Hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well!
Today has been a great Friday so far. I worked out (go me!), I cleaned the entire house and finished (as in washing, folding, putting away) all of our laundry, we got the pool closed up for winter, and I am going to dinner and a movie with one of my dearest friends tonight. I'm so looking forward to a wonderful weekend with Dustin (since he's finally off work after 7 days straight). Hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well!
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