I'm 27 weeks today and still feeling pretty good. Woo Who! I've been longing for the third trimester to get here. It's so close! However, I am definitely starting to lose all the energy I have had in this second trimester. I'm desperately holding on to it for dear life. I still have three months left, so if I can hang on to my energy I'm going to. I feel healthy though. Still no complications so far. Everything has gone so smoothly and I'm so grateful. I do think my mood is starting to shift back into the grumpy, I'm pregnant, don't make me mad attitude. I'm really trying to watch it and make sure it stays in check but it's tough. With pregnancy comes crazy emotions so it's definitely hard to keep them under control but I'm working on it. Still trying to be more active. I wouldn't consider using the elliptical twice a week very active for a non pregnant person but if I'm getting in two times a week I'm happy with that. I'm also still trying to eat better. During the week I'm pretty strict on what I eat and I give myself a few treats on the weekend. Still, it's not easy but I'm working on it and feel like I'm doing better. I'm trying to stay positive and look forward to all the great things coming up. We have a wedding next weekend, the baby shower in three weeks, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then baby. My previous post had mentioned wanting a babymoon but I'm almost positive that isn't going to happen. We are just running out of time for a trip and really don't need to spend any extra money on a mini vacation right before we add a third member to our family. I suppose we will just take a trip as a family of three after Emma arrives. Maybe in the Spring.
How Emma is changing:
- She is around two pounds now and plumping up by the day!
- Her lungs are capable of working outside the womb with the help of doctors and medicine (finally starting to get out of the scary stages!)
- She is around 15 inches long.
- She can hear and recognize voices. Mainly mine I'm sure, since she hears me talk all day long!
- She's opening and closing her eyes and sucking her fingers.
- Hiccups are a daily occurrence and TOO CUTE!
We are most definitely ready to meet her. Everyone says not to rush it and I even tell myself this but it's impossible. I can only hope that these next three months don't drag by and January will be here before I know it. I told Dustin the other day that I'm ready to decorate for Christmas. It's not even Halloween yet!
Speaking of decorating, we are almost finished with the nursery! All we have left to purchase is the rocking chair! We got the mattress for the crib, so bed is ready and over the weekend I made the letters to hang behind her bed (because I'm so crafty like that!).
Pictures anyone?
27 weeks!


I have to say, I'm very proud of myself. I was NEVER crafty before this baby, but as soon as I found out it was a girl something came over me. I love that I put the time into her room and am hand making most of her decorations. Instead of spending $50.00 on letters I only spent half that. I think they turned out pretty good :)
Her room is really shaping up... so cute! I can't wait to meet her too!