The Salyers

The Salyers

Thursday, October 28, 2010

28 Week Appointment

I realize I am two days late on this post and I have no real excuse.  Just laziness and not really wanting to take the time to write it.  You would think that I would want to seeing as though my appointment went so great!

  • I only gained 2.6 pounds in a 4 week period! I WAS SO NERVOUS stepping on that scale.  I can definitely handle that kind of weight gain.  Much better than 9 pounds.  My doctor was so proud of me and I was pretty proud of myself.  I guess the exercise and watching what I eat paid off.

  • Baby's heartbeat was a strong 150 bpm.  Lower than what it normally is but still perfect.

  • I am measuring right at 28 weeks which is perfect.

  • I start going every TWO weeks now! Where has time gone?

  • At my next appointment we get to see Emma up close and personal.  We are getting a FREE 3D/4D ultrasound.  My doctor is the best :)

  • I also realize that I'm in my third trimester now so I really need to keep up with my exercise routine and diet, regardless of being tired again.  I'm still holding on to my energy by a thread.  I just don't know how I'm going to continue exercise when I'm 9 months pregnant!

  • When does nesting kick in? I definitely haven't found it yet.

  • Overall, everything is perfect.  My doctor says that I'm having an amazing pregnancy and couldn't be happier with my progress.  Now if it just leads to an amazingly easy delivery :)


1 comment:

  1. I guarantee the nesting will kick in... I hate organizing and cleaning and I got it, so I know you will. Can't wait to see the 3-d pics!
