As for life currently in the Salyer house things couldn't be better really. I complain A LOT and sometimes forget that I should be very grateful for what I have. Dustin has been working a lot more than usual lately which makes me a little bummed but I know it's needed right now. With a new baby arriving in TEN WEEKS, Thanksgiving travels, Christmas shopping and last minute purchases for the nursery money is definitely tight, so I just need to be thankful that he has such a great job that allows him to work overtime. I just get lonely sometimes sitting in this house all day. I visit my mom several times a week and we spend hours talking, drinking coffee and playing yahtzee and scrabble which definitely helps me with my walls closing in on me, boredom. I don't know what I would do if she didn't live ten minutes away!
As for how baby and I are doing. Great. I had a rough day yesterday with this cold. I think it was causing her to feel bad as well. She was tense all day and had her little elbows dug into my bladder and lower abdomen all day and would not relieve me for even a minute. It was pretty painful and didn't help that I was already feeling terrible anyway. I am also starting to hit that third trimester fatigue and not sleeping well at night. I slept great during the second trimester besides getting up to use the bathroom. Now, every hour I am having to rotate sides because I'm going numb on the side I'm laying on. My feet and hands are starting to swell at night and I'm having night sweats. Oh and we can't forget the lovely potty breaks. I guess it's all just to prepare me for a future of no sleep anyway. You're all saying "Amanda, get over it. You will never sleep again when Emma comes!" Honestly, that's totally ok with me. At least I will be waking up with purpose and for a good cause. Right now I'm waking up because my body has been taken over by an alien!
Thursday I have my 30 week check up and I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. My last appointment I was determined that my weight gain would be perfect and right on track and for the last two weeks I just haven't cared. Maybe it's because I am in that third trimester funk. I didn't eat like I should have and haven't been on the elliptical as much as I should have. I didn't get on there all weekend because of the baby shower and didn't yesterday or today because I feel like poop. I just don't want to get on that scale and be totally bummed. For two weeks I really shouldn't have gained anymore than two pounds but I feel heavy. We will just have to see what happens I guess. On a happy note, we are getting our 3D 4D ultrasound done that day (FOR FREE!). I can't wait to see this precious angel up close and personal. To be able to see all her features makes me smile like a kid waking up at Christmas morning. I will update with a 30 week post and pictures on Thursday or Friday, so be looking out for that one.
Now for some shower photos!
Oh and my husband crashed the shower at the end but it was totally ok because he brought me a Salon gift card for two prenatal massages...he's the sweetest :)
You had a great shower, so glad we made it!