The Salyers

The Salyers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

37 Weeks 3 Days

I am officially full term.  YAY! This baby girl is welcome to come any time she wants now.  I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything was great.  Just a few of the things we covered were:

  • I LOST 3 pounds! Over the Christmas holiday at that! Don't have any clue how because I can't even do that when I'm not pregnant.  Puts me at a total weight gain so far of 34 pounds.  I may be able to stay under my 35 pound goal after all if I don't gain anymore or keep losing.

  • I am still 1 centimeter dilated but moved from 70% to 80% effaced.  Almost completely thinned out, YAY!

  • He is going to strip my membranes next week to stir up things a little.  Not looking forward to the pain of it but if it can speed things up I'm all for it.

  • After my appointment Tuesday, that night I started to lose my mucous plug(gross yes, but exciting!).  Then the next morning lost more of it.  Not sure if it's all gone or not but I haven't noticed it anymore in 24 hours.  I have noticed stronger contractions since it happened but nothing in sequence.  I just think she is preparing herself for the world.

  • My blood pressure was great still.  So thankful for no health issues this pregnancy.

  • My Group B Strep test came back Positive.  Which means when I get admitted to the hospital for delivery they will immediately hook me up to antibiotics so that it doesn't pass to the baby.

  • As for me, I'm feeling pretty good.  I want to sleep all the time though.  I am sleeping about 10 to 12 hours a night and it's actually good sleep.  I guess my body just knows to get rested up now!

  • The nursery is completely ready.  Well we do need to get a bookshelf still and that's in the plans for this weekend.  I also need to finish packing my hospital bag.  It's only half way done.

  • We have another appointment next Wednesday so I will update then.

I keep wanting to rush the end of this pregnancy but then think to myself, I need to enjoy and cherish this last two weeks just being a family of two.  Go on some dates with my hubby, enjoy my sleep, watch lots of movies...but it is hard to control the rushing.  I have been carrying her for nine and a half months inside of me and I'm ready to hold her on the outside.  I finally had my first dream about Emma.  I had just given birth and they had cleaned her off and wrapped her up and brought her to me.  She was so beautiful.  It felt so real and when I woke up and she wasn't in my arms it was upsetting but I know she will be here soon enough.  Can't wait to meet her precious face.



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