After returning home we got busy with decorating the house for Christmas. I have been waiting months to put up the tree! I've had all these milestones in my head since I got pregnant to count down until Emma's arrival. All these holidays keep passing and it's only making labor day closer! She could be here anytime after the Christmas and New Year holidays and I couldn't be more ready and excited. This house is looking like Christmas around here and I love it. We even have half of our shopping done and presents wrapped under the tree. I'm determined to get it done as soon as possible just in case Emma decided she wanted to join us for Christmas :)
Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment. It went great. Still no issues in my health or babies health. We have been really blessed with a healthy pregnancy. Her heartbeat was 144 bpm. My blood pressure was perfect and I'm measuring about a week ahead at 34 weeks. Wonder if that means she could possible come early? My next appointment is in two weeks and they will start checking my cervix for dilation. I really can't believe we are already at this point. I start going every week after that! We are really in the home stretch now. I think I should probably start preparing a hospital bag...I already have her diaper bag in the works but I should probably work on one for myself! Being in the third trimester is awesome just knowing she will be here soon but it's a pretty rough trimester. I'm really tired and don't sleep well. Everything is much harder these days, tying my shoes, shaving, getting off the couch, getting out of bed...I could go on and on. I just keep reminding myself that it's only for around 6 more weeks! We'll meet you soon baby girl!
Baby Shower Christmas Tree :)
The cake was yummy! Only one piece for me though.
Me at 33 weeks with my sister-in-law and sweet Parker.
Dustin practicing on Thanksgiving day with two week old Hudson. He looks like a pro!
Christmas Time!
Couple things to pack for yourself as I type this on my iPhone from bed.
ReplyDelete1) your own shampoo & conditioner
2) very heavy flow Always pads (get Always as they wick away the wetness). the bigger the better.
3) your computer with the Calm Meditation station from Pandora bookmarked. I can't tell you how much that station helped my 34 hour birth
4) make sure Pharmacist packs a bag for himself- a book ( so he doesn't bother you), jammies, toiletries, etc
5) an extra phone charger
6) the biggest pair of underwear you can find... Make that 3 pairs
And if I think of anything else, I'll let you know