At 6:00 o'clock Monday, January 10th we walked into Labor and Delivery, excited and anxious for what the next 24 hours would hold. We got checked in and they put me in a room. I was not looking forward to the IV at all. How is it I was mentally prepared for labor but not an IV? Crazy right? The nurse tried on my right arm and just my luck the vein burst. The second attempt on my left hand was much smoother, but still painful. She also put it where the needle was right in the crick of my wrist so every time I moved my hand it was quite uncomfortable, but I wasn't about to ask them to stick me again!
Excited that we are finally going to meet her!
The induction wasn't supposed to start until 6 the next morning which meant a whole night of anxious waiting. They said to sleep but that wasn't happening! I dozed off and on but never got any solid sleep. At 4:00 am I started having some pretty strong contractions. I was really surprised seeing as though they hadn't started pitocin or broke my water yet. They were bareable but uncomfortable and got stronger over the next few hours. At 7:30 am my doctor came in and checked me. I had dilated to a three. He started the pitoci and broke my water. I can't even explain what it's like for your water to break. The pain is pretty much immediate. I could not believe the intensity of the contractions. I immediately asked for my epidural of course but it would end up taking around an hour to actually get it. They gave me some pain medication in my IV to hold me over and boy did it make me loopy. It mainly made me sleepy but I couldn't sleep through the pain so I was pretty out of it for a while. Right before the anesthesiologist got to the room my contractions really picked up. When he walked in I told him he was just the person I wanted to see. The epidural wasn't bad at all. I would have a thousand of them before having to feel another contraction. My younger sister asked me in my loopy medicated state before my epidural what contractions felt like and I told her it was like I was hollow inside and someone was trying to rip that hollowness out of me. It's the best way I could explain it. Whoever originally said that contractions and labor feel like severe period cramps is a liar because there is nothing period like about it. I was the happiest girl in the world after my epidural kicked in. I also think I had the best anesthesiologist in the world. I was able to sleep and rest up until time to push and it really helped with the energy to push. I was checked for dilation every hour after my epi. I was dilating SUPER fast. I went from a three at 7:30 that morning to a ten at 12:30. With only 30 short minutes of pushing Emma Marie arrived at 1:14pm on 1-11-2011 weighing in at 7 lbs 7 3/4 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. It was the easiest, smoothest, most beautiful amazing labor experience. My doctor was amazing, as was my labor and delivery nurse. I don't know what I would have done without Dustin or her! Labor was easy peasy but I must say nobody talks about what comes after labor. I really don't think I was prepared for the toll it takes on your body. The recooperating involved is pretty rough. The stitches, the pain, the tiredness the emotions... Now that its ten days after delivery I'm feeling much better but still not 100%. I'm just thankful to have our beautiful daughter here safe and sound. I'm so thankful for a smooth labor and healthy baby. The hospital stay was almost a blur because it went by so fast. We were going home before we knew it and so excited to take our baby home. It has definitely been a whirlwind but we are adjusting well. We may have sleepy eyes and our brains may not be functioning on all cylinders but we are head over heals in love with our girl. She is changing so fast already. I am excited to see how she grows and changes but it makes me sad that it happens so fast. I love my family of THREE so much.
My sweet husband. He was amazing.
Awww, I love that picture where her eyes are wide open. Sweet baby :)
ReplyDeleteLove this post! I get so excited to read everyone else's birth stories. And the ocntractions kinda feel like period cramps in the very beginning. Then they feel like someone is trying to kill you from the inside. lol