It's so hard to believe that it's been almost two weeks since Emma was born. I can say that just in the last day or two I have really started feeling like myself again. The fog is slowly starting to lift and I can see light at the end of the tunnel. The broken sleep at night is starting to become routine and I'm learning how to run on much less energy. Funny how our bodies just learn to adjust to changes in our lives. I am also starting to heal, YIPPEE! The pain is slowly subsiding and I can actually walk without being uncomfortable now. My body is making its way back to what it was before baby. In two weeks I've lost a total of 25 pounds. I'm 8 pounds away to being back to my pre-pregnancy weight. That's with doing NOTHING. Just drinking water like someone lost in the desert and breastfeeding. I'm hoping it just keeps falling off because my weight was not where I wanted it before I got pregnant. Once back to pre-baby weight I would like to lose about 20 more pounds. With breastfeeding and getting back in Jazzercise I really think I can do it. To any expecting moms out there, my best advice to you is to nurse your baby. I was so scared in the beginning but it's the most amazing experience in the world. If you can tough it out for the first week you will be just fine. Don't give up as soon as it gets a bit uncomfortable or painful because as soon as that uncomfortable feeling come it soon subsides. Also, I know it's tiring and you are exhausted but remember that it's all worth it for your baby, plus you have to be awake to feed them with formula anyway so why not just breastfeed. I'm two weeks in and am able to pump lots of extra milk so that my hubby gets a feeding or two a day now and it helps a lot. I also can't tell you how much we are enjoying saving money on not having to buy formula. You can do it!
Over the weekend we went over to my parents house on Saturday for my niece's 8th birthday party, and stayed for three hours! I was so afraid of getting out of the house but I realized it's ok. We are a family of three now and I will eventually get used to getting out in public with her.
Today was Emma's two-week check up. Her doc says she is just perfect and that "she's a keeper". I have to agree. At her one week weight check she was 7.3 and today she weighed in at 7.10! A whole 7 ounces in weight gain. I really wanted to pat myself on the back because let me tell you, breastfeeding is definitely a commitment and I've been really afraid I couldn't do it or that I wasn't doing a good job. She is spitting up a lot at night so I was worried about her weight. The doctor says it's normal and to give her gas drops at night and that should solve our fussy night-time baby problem. She also gained in length. She went from 19 1/2 inches long to 20 inches. She is in the 50th percentile and right on track. I'm so thankful for a baby who is so calm, sleeps well, a good eater and never cries. After her doctor's appointment we decided to go into a restaurant and have lunch. It seemed so surreal sitting there eating in public as a family of three. Surreal and wonderful.
I'm just really thankful that the Lord blessed us with our sweet baby. God is so good.
How about a before and after shot of baby belly vs after baby belly...
[caption id="attachment_243" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="This was taken a week or two before baby Emma arrived!"]

[caption id="attachment_244" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="There's no baby in there anymore...almost makes me sad at times. I miss her precious little kicks. It's nice seeing a flat belly though!"]

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