The Salyers

The Salyers

Friday, February 25, 2011

Adventures in Painting

Who decided to paint their house with a newborn baby at home?

These people!

Yes, we are crazy.  I think we were just going a little stir crazy.  We have been wanting to paint several rooms in our house for quite some time now but have just never taken the time to do it.  The other day out of the blue we decided it was time to just go buy paint and get it done.  With the help of my sister and my mom helping out with Emma we were able to knock out our bedroom, living room, foyer and hallway in just two days! Talk about being exhausted though! We have had a very busy week and there won't be much rest this weekend since Dustin will be working.  We still eventually will need to paint our bathroom, the sunroom and the kitchen.  It just really feels nice that after owning this home for a year and a half now we are finally making it our home.  It felt like we were living in the previous owners house and now it fits our personality.  I am so proud of the work we have put into it and cant' wait to continue with it.  We have so many projects to do and as it gets warmer it will be much easier to start most of them.  I'm so ready for Spring.  Planting flowers, mowing our yard, opening up the pool (oh man I really can't wait to relax on a float!), purchasing a swing set for Miss Emma, cleaning out the gutters, painting the shutters, corn hole, sunshine, walks with Emma, zoo trips, picnics, drive in movies, patio sitting...oh I could just go on and on! Can ya tell I'm ready!?

We took some pictures of the painting process so I suppose I'll share.  Let me know what you think.  I'm not an interior designer by any means so I was a little worried how it would turn out but I think it's beautiful!


[caption id="attachment_276" align="alignleft" width="453" caption="OUR BEDROOM WHEN WE FIRST MOVED IN. BEST DESCRIPTION WOULD BE BLAND, EMPTY AND DARK."][/caption]































[caption id="attachment_278" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="WELCOME TO OUR NEW OASIS! I COULD STAY IN THIS ROOM ALL DAY. I'M EVEN SLEEPING BETTER AT NIGHT."][/caption]



















[caption id="attachment_279" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="I FEEL LIKE OUR ROOM IS VERY BEACHY NOW. ALMOST LIKE I CAN STEP OUT OUR SIDE DOOR INTO SAND, WITH THE WAVES CRASHING...OHHH ONLY IN MY DREAMS!"][/caption]



















[caption id="attachment_280" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="THE NEW BEDDING (AND IF OUR DOGS EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING IT THEY WILL LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME!)."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_283" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="LIVING ROOM WALLS WENT FROM BABY POOP GREEN TO A NICE CALM GREY. (WE SEE ENOUGH BABY POOP GREEN THANKS TO EMMA, WE DIDN'T NEED IT ON OUR WALLS.)"][/caption]

































I know my posts have been few and far between lately but it's hard enough to find time to shower during the day yet alone sign in here and update everyone on what's going on in my my crazy new mommy life.  However, thanks to this little baby I will have more hands free time:


[caption id="attachment_281" align="alignleft" width="512" caption="SHE WAS NOT SO SURE ABOUT THIS CONTRAPTION YET."][/caption]




















[caption id="attachment_282" align="alignleft" width="483" caption="THE NEXT DAY I PUT HER IN IT AND SHE LIKE IT. SHE STAYED NICE AND COZY AND I WAS ABLE TO SWEEP AND DUST FURNITURE!"][/caption]












With the use of this wonderful invention hopefully you will be seeing posts more often :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Miracle Worker

After two terrible nights with an extremely fussy baby we have finally figured out solutions! We took her to the doctor yesterday and she has been diagnosed with Acid Reflux.  She's now on baby Prevacid.  I am so thankful to finally have some answers and relief.  I know all moms go through hard nights but I honestly think I was reaching the end of my rope.  God has given us relief and I'm so grateful.  On those long, sleepless nights I would just cry wishing there was SOMETHING I could do to take her pain away and now I can.  Along with the acid reflux medication I have found another miracle product.  Last night she was extremely upset.  I mean, uncontrollably crying, turning red, bloodshot eyes, shaking her whole body UPSET.  I told Dustin there was no way I could handle another night with no sleep and that until this acid reflux medicine gets in her system we have to do something.  At midnight we put her in her car seat and took her for a little drive and BAM! calmed her down immediately, but knowing as soon as we took her out of the car she would start crying again we decided to head to Wal-mart and buy what many parents call a "miracle worker".  This is the best stuff ever...






A word of advice to all expecting moms and new moms.  Stock up on this stuff! I don't know why we didn't buy it earlier.  It's all natural and helps relieve colic symptoms.  Now, we have only given it to Emma one night so I'm hoping it wasn't just a fluke that she just decided to sleep well on her own and the water did nothing.  I really think it had an effect though.  We should really be able to tell in the days to come.  I am just really thankful that we got some great sleep last night, because I was really about to lose my darn mind!! I'm sure Emma is happy as well because she would prefer a SANE mother.

Oh and by the way my baby is for sure a chunk.  She gained 2.5 lbs in three weeks! She's 9.15! The doctor even asked how many ounces she was taking at her feedings and when I told him 4 ounces he seemed surprised that she's eating that much.  She is also in 0-3 month clothes now and SIZE ONE diapers.  My baby is growing up too fast....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I'm the luckiest girl in the world.  This year I got not one but TWO Valentine's.  My sweet husband got me a card, candy and an anniversary band to go with my wedding rings.  I'll post a picture as soon as it gets in from being sized!  Usually, Dustin and I go to a nice dinner or movie for Valentine's Day but this year was a little different.  Instead, we cooked a yummy dinner at home and watched Jeopardy (this whole Watson thing is pretty cool!) while I held a crying baby.  She had a bit of a tummy ache at dinner so I didn't quite get to enjoy my meal but that's ok by me.  I am just thankful that I had both of them here with me to celebrate V-Day.  I'm so in love with my little family :

[caption id="attachment_263" align="alignleft" width="518" caption="In love with his baby girl."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_264" align="alignleft" width="518" caption="Proud Papa"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_265" align="alignleft" width="490" caption="Holding daddy's finger."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_266" align="alignleft" width="490" caption="My little Valentine furrowing her brow like her daddy :)"][/caption]

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You know you're a new mom when...

You know you're a new mom when...

  • Your husband walks in from work and after smelling what a normal person should smell like, you realize you haven't showered that day or maybe even the day before.

  • Instead of perfume and make up you wear baby spit up and poop.

  • Sleep no longer exists because you are in the lightest sleep on your life making sure your baby is still alive!

  • You care more about what outfit your baby is going to wear that day rather than fixing your own self up for the day.

  • You no longer listen to your favorite stations on Pandora.  Instead it's been taken over by the Baby Einstein station and you actually enjoy it.

  • You forget what day it is due to lack of sleep.

  • You look around your house and all you see in every single room is bottles, pacifiers, burp clothes, diapers, baby clothes, and dust from where you haven't cleaned all week.

  • Your baby poops in the bathtub and you laugh because it's cute instead of gross!

  • Your babies umbilical cord falls off and you cry because it's such a milestone!

  • You look at your spouse in a totally different light.  He is so much more than just a husband now.  He's an amazing father.  It makes my heart sing.

  • You look at the precious baby you are holding in your arms and know that God has made your life complete and that life will never be the same.

If you are a new mom make this your next blog post! It's fun to compare each others takeson being new mommies.

[caption id="attachment_258" align="alignleft" width="576" caption="The most rewarding job in the whole world."][/caption]

One Month

I cannot believe my baby is one month old today.  Four weeks have really flown by.  She is changing so much already.  Here's a little update on how much she's changing and what is new in mommyhood:

  • She is starting to stay more alert during the day.

  • She is figuring out her hands.  She even held up her bottle for a minute the other day and can sling her paci across the room (she's feisty like her momma).

  • She LOVES bright lights.  They mesmerize her.

  • No more umbilical cord.  It's been gone for over a week now.  Baths are fun now!

  • She is still colicy some nights.  Still trying to figure out how to fix this issue.  Gas drops are ok but definitely don't do the trick 100%.

  • She smiles and laughs in her sleep.  It's the sweetest.

  • Dustin is back to work so it's just me and baby during the day.  That's going ok.  I get pretty tired during the day, especially if it's been a late fussy night or I don't get a nap in.  So far though we are doing great.  We mainly snuggle on the couch all day.

  • She is still in Newborn clothes, but not for too much longer.  She's getting long so they are starting to get a little snug in her thigh and diaper area.  I can't wait to find out in a few weeks at her 6 week check up how much she has grown.  I would say she's almost 9 pounds by now.  If not a little over 9.

  • She has the best double chin and rolls ever.  I can't wait to see them filling out.

  • As for being a mommy.  It's the most rewarding job in the world.  I am so thankful that I'm blessed to be able to stay home with her.  I couldn't imagine going back to a job.  It gets so difficult at times when I'm so sleepy I don't even know my own name, and she's screaming uncontrollably and I can't figure out what she needs.  It's all apart of the learning process I guess.  I feel wonderful physically.  I'm doing Slimfast so that I can continue to lose weight and get to my goal.  I'm still a few pounds shy of pre-baby weight but I still have a way to go when it comes to getting to a healthy weight.  I am ready for my 6 week check up so I can be cleared to work out.  All I really need to be 100% is more sleep but I know that isn't happening! Fortunately I'm pumping so Dustin is able to take a night-time feeding which helps a ton.Looking forward to the next month watching my baby girl grow and change!

[caption id="attachment_252" align="alignleft" width="576" caption="First time in her swing. She wasn't sure about it at first but ended up liking it!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_253" align="alignleft" width="576" caption="Looking up at her favorite person :)"][/caption]

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Growing so fast...

Today my sweet Emma or Baby Goose as we like to call her is three weeks old.  I can't believe she's already been here for 21 days.  If time moves this fast all the time she'll be dating and getting her driver's license before I know it.  I am cherishing every single moment with her but it's so sad to think that they aren't small for long.  When I was pregnant I rushed her out and now I'm wanting to slow time down, GO FIGURE! We as humans are so needy.  Things are finally starting to settle into place around here.  We have a routine (if that's what you want to call it) now.

PAUSE! So as I'm typing this post I looked up and a MOUSE just ran across my living room floor and then under the couch that I'M SITTING ON! I am freaking out just a little bit and refuse to get off the couch until Dustin gets home, which should be any minute.  Glad Emma is laying right here beside me so if she cries I don't have to get up! WOW, anyway back to what I was saying...If I can even concentrate now.

Where were we....Oh yes.  Routines.

As for night-time she is doing pretty good.  I wish I could say great but it seems like every other night she is extremely fussy, throws up all her milk, refuses to go to sleep and very gasy (even with Mylicon gas drops).  So far what I have read is that we have a somewhat Colicy baby on our hands.  It makes no sense to me though because she is fine all day long and as soon as the clock strikes ten at night and she has a feeding she starts her colic like symptoms.

PAUSE-My phone (which is in the kitchen) totally just rang and I refuse to get up and answer it.  Darn this stupid mouse! It's probably Dustin with a question about the grocery store items I asked for.  If my husband would let me have a cat we wouldn't have a mouse running around in our living room.  We have two dogs and all they wanna do is lay on their bed.  Useless! Oh well, I still refuse to get off this couch until he gets here!

Again, where were we? Oh yeah, Colicy babies.

I have tried everything, as has Dustin.  I massage her little belly, lift her legs up as I hold her on my chest to help relieve gas, rock her, sing to her, change her diaper, talk sweetly to her...finally around one or two in the morning she calms down, well until her next feeding that night and then the process starts all over.  Is it just all babies that are like this or is it just her? I'm breastfeeding so I never know exactly how much she's getting so it's possible she could just be overeating at night.  It is a bit frustrating but I know in the next several weeks as her belly adjusts she will get better.  Any advice for gasy babies besides what I've already tried? Any advice is much appreciated by two very sleepy parents!

[caption id="attachment_248" align="alignleft" width="576" caption="Baby Goose!"][/caption]