The Salyers

The Salyers

Friday, February 18, 2011

Miracle Worker

After two terrible nights with an extremely fussy baby we have finally figured out solutions! We took her to the doctor yesterday and she has been diagnosed with Acid Reflux.  She's now on baby Prevacid.  I am so thankful to finally have some answers and relief.  I know all moms go through hard nights but I honestly think I was reaching the end of my rope.  God has given us relief and I'm so grateful.  On those long, sleepless nights I would just cry wishing there was SOMETHING I could do to take her pain away and now I can.  Along with the acid reflux medication I have found another miracle product.  Last night she was extremely upset.  I mean, uncontrollably crying, turning red, bloodshot eyes, shaking her whole body UPSET.  I told Dustin there was no way I could handle another night with no sleep and that until this acid reflux medicine gets in her system we have to do something.  At midnight we put her in her car seat and took her for a little drive and BAM! calmed her down immediately, but knowing as soon as we took her out of the car she would start crying again we decided to head to Wal-mart and buy what many parents call a "miracle worker".  This is the best stuff ever...






A word of advice to all expecting moms and new moms.  Stock up on this stuff! I don't know why we didn't buy it earlier.  It's all natural and helps relieve colic symptoms.  Now, we have only given it to Emma one night so I'm hoping it wasn't just a fluke that she just decided to sleep well on her own and the water did nothing.  I really think it had an effect though.  We should really be able to tell in the days to come.  I am just really thankful that we got some great sleep last night, because I was really about to lose my darn mind!! I'm sure Emma is happy as well because she would prefer a SANE mother.

Oh and by the way my baby is for sure a chunk.  She gained 2.5 lbs in three weeks! She's 9.15! The doctor even asked how many ounces she was taking at her feedings and when I told him 4 ounces he seemed surprised that she's eating that much.  She is also in 0-3 month clothes now and SIZE ONE diapers.  My baby is growing up too fast....


  1. Is it still working? I hope so!

  2. Yes it is still working! She is a night owl though. She usually doesn't fall asleep until 11:30 or 12 every night but then sleeps straight until 4 or 5.
