PAUSE! So as I'm typing this post I looked up and a MOUSE just ran across my living room floor and then under the couch that I'M SITTING ON! I am freaking out just a little bit and refuse to get off the couch until Dustin gets home, which should be any minute. Glad Emma is laying right here beside me so if she cries I don't have to get up! WOW, anyway back to what I was saying...If I can even concentrate now.
Where were we....Oh yes. Routines.
As for night-time she is doing pretty good. I wish I could say great but it seems like every other night she is extremely fussy, throws up all her milk, refuses to go to sleep and very gasy (even with Mylicon gas drops). So far what I have read is that we have a somewhat Colicy baby on our hands. It makes no sense to me though because she is fine all day long and as soon as the clock strikes ten at night and she has a feeding she starts her colic like symptoms.
PAUSE-My phone (which is in the kitchen) totally just rang and I refuse to get up and answer it. Darn this stupid mouse! It's probably Dustin with a question about the grocery store items I asked for. If my husband would let me have a cat we wouldn't have a mouse running around in our living room. We have two dogs and all they wanna do is lay on their bed. Useless! Oh well, I still refuse to get off this couch until he gets here!
Again, where were we? Oh yeah, Colicy babies.
I have tried everything, as has Dustin. I massage her little belly, lift her legs up as I hold her on my chest to help relieve gas, rock her, sing to her, change her diaper, talk sweetly to her...finally around one or two in the morning she calms down, well until her next feeding that night and then the process starts all over. Is it just all babies that are like this or is it just her? I'm breastfeeding so I never know exactly how much she's getting so it's possible she could just be overeating at night. It is a bit frustrating but I know in the next several weeks as her belly adjusts she will get better. Any advice for gasy babies besides what I've already tried? Any advice is much appreciated by two very sleepy parents!
[caption id="attachment_248" align="alignleft" width="576" caption="Baby Goose!"]
Can you believe our babies are 3 weeks old?! Before we know it, they'll be 3 months old! I hear ya--I was the same way. I was sooo ready for Jude to come out and be 40 weeks gestation, now I just want him to slow down. I have a feeling the rest of parenting is going to be a balance of wanting these little ones to slow down, but at the same time wanting them to grow and advance.
ReplyDeleteHope that little Emma's gas a colic are just a short phase! We've had to use the Mylicon drops almost every day at some point or another, and they really are life savers, aren't they? We just started burping Jude literally every 2-3 minutes, and that seemed to really, really help. He was gulping too much air.
AH! A mouse! Good luck on catching that sucker. Blehhhh--mice are nice and creepy little things. lol.