The Salyers

The Salyers

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Two Months Already

Yesterday, we had Emma's two month check up.  First of all, it is so hard to believe that she's already been here for two months.  I'm not quite sure where the time went.  I'm sure it's been lost due to sleep deprivation and the many hours spent just staring at our baby.  I have been dreading and looking forward to this appointment for a while.  I couldn't wait to find out how much she had grown and finally try to figure out a solution to all the vomit after feedings.  However, I was not looking forward to the dreaded shots! Fortunately, my husband was able to be there with me, otherwise I may have just lost it.  She did such a good job getting her shots.  I mean, of course there was screaming but as soon as I picked her up and gave her some kisses she calmed right down.  I knew from other moms that shots can cause a fever so we made sure to stop on the way home and pick up some Infant Tylenol (lifesaver!).  For the first hour or two after her shots she was perfectly fine but boy did the fever come up fast.  In the blink of an eye my baby went from smiling and sweet to screaming in pain.  Her poor little legs were red and swollen and couldn't even handle us just barely touching her legs.  After a dose of Tylenol and some snuggly rocking, her pain eased a bit and she was finally able to eat (didn't know that shots caused loss of appetite...poor girl couldn't even eat!).  She filled her tummy and was asleep by 9:30 and we didn't hear a peep out of her until 4:30am.  That is her longest stretch of sleep since we brought her home.  It also might help that we have finally found a solution to her fussy, vomit filled feedings.  At the doctor's office, her Pediatrician asked how the reflux was going and on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst we told him she was still about a 6.  He suggested we go ahead and start adding 2 tsp of rice cereal to a pumped bottle of breast milk a couple of times a day.  I cannot even tell you how much of an improvement it's made just in 24 hours.  She's had three bottles with the cereal so far and she's a different baby.  Her personality is happier, she is sleeping great, she is active and alert when she is awake and she will even lay on her mat or in her bassinet for more than ten minutes now without screaming for me.  It's amazing and I think me and Dustin may actually catch up on some much-needed sleep now.  I think with breast milk being so thin it wasn't settling well on her tummy.  Now that there is some substance in there she is able to keep it down.  She is still spitting up a bit but nothing like she was.


As for her growth she is up to 11 lbs 2 oz and 22 3/4 in.  She's growing fast and now that we are adding cereal to her diet she will really plump up I'm sure! I can't wait for her legs to get chunky.  I probably drive her insane.  I am constantly squeezing her little fat rolls.  I just can't help myself!

Now, I would have an entire video of the shot process but a certain someone, *Dustin* not gonna name any names deleted the video off of my phone.  So here is just a small clip of the aftermath.



  1. Oooo.. she is so stinkin cute.. why do I now have tears in my eyes over your baby crying.. ?? I'm sure it's just my ticking clock.. ugggg

  2. Aw happy 2 months Emma! So glad you figured out a solution! Peanut used to projectile vomit after eating for almost every meal and we were at a loss! But that settled after a couple of weeks on its own. I can't imagine dealing with it every day for 2 months!
