The Salyers

The Salyers

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Oh, I have a blog you say? I must have forgot.

Oh where oh where to begin...most of you are probably wondering that since my last post was me leaving for vacation that I just decided to stay at the beach.  I wish.  Instead I got back and lost motivation to write.  I think a six month hiatus is long enough.  I know you missed me.  At least I hope you did anyway.  Let's bring you up to speed on things around the Salyer house.  There is a lot to catch up on so let's get started shall we?

  • We did have a great vacation in Florida back in September.  Emma did great at the beach, even though at the time she wasn't walking.  We sat her in her bumbo in the sand and she had a blast.  Slept under the gazebo we had brought and over all did a great job being a little tike.
  • We joined the church we have been attending since living in Bowling Green.  It felt like the right next step and we truly enjoy the feeling we get worshiping there.  However, in the last few months we have definitely been slacking in our attendance. Somehow the hustle and bustle of life takes over and you start slipping.  We are getting back on track though and it feels really good.
  • I got my wisdom teeth removed.  Talk about misery.  After it was over I asked Dustin in my delirious drugged state if he thought they could surgically put my teeth back in.  It was the worst two weeks ever.  I got dry sockets and thought I. Was. Going. To. Die. Literally.  I'm healed up now and all is well with the world that is my mouth.
  • We got through the holidays.  Christmas was awesome.  Emma really enjoyed it this year.  Bright eyes and squeals at seeing all her toys.
  • Emma is not a little tike anymore.  My baby is all growed up.  She turned ONE on January 11th.  We had a great party.  Elmo themed of course.  It was a lot of work but so worth it.
  • Emma went from not walking to running overnight.  She just took off like a bullet and never looked back.  She is in 24 months and 2T clothing (chunky monkey!).  We've yet to cut out bottles completely.  She gets one in the morning and at bedtime.  She's a paci loving fool.  How we'll ever get that one away from her I will never know!
  • We booked a trip to Washington D.C. in May.  I am so so so excited.  I have never been and am really looking forward to it.  I'm a huge history buff so it's right up my alley.  However, I hear that it's not much of a vacation because you are constantly walking and on the go.  I'll need a vacation from my vacation! Dustin, go ahead and reserve a condo at the beach will ya?
  • We just got through a wonderful Easter weekend.  Emma hunted eggs like a champ.  We spent lots of time with family and friends.  There was a family softball game.  I am officially sore.  It paid off though because my team won, WoooWhooo.
  • Emma took her first trip to the zoo.  She was amazed at all the different animals.  Everything to her was a rooster.  We walked through the zoo and she did her little rooster call for every animal.  I didn't want to crush her little spirit so I just went along with it and chanted my rooster call with her.
  •  Dustin took a full time job in Tennessee so he's traveling everyday for work.  We will eventually put our house up for sale and move but for now we are content enjoying another beautiful summer in our house and enjoying the pool.  I will be excited to move closer to all my family though.
Well, I guess that officially catches you up on our lives.  I'm excited to be back and hoping I didn't lose everyone who read this blog.  I pinky promise that I will post more often than every six months.  I can't promise it will be everyday or every other day because honestly I barely find time to shower everyday (TMI? Yeah, sorry about that) much less blog every single day.  I'm a mother to a toddler who has already hit her terrible two stage (can we say TEMPER TANTRUMS) and she keeps me on my toes, ok?

Nom Nom Nom, this sand is tasty Momma!

Traumatized for life...

Dustin and his Mini Me

The Christmas loot.

 Celebrating New Year's in style :)

 New Year's Smooches

 Somebody isn't a baby anymore...

Playing outside on a warm spring day.

 Happy Easter from The Salyers!


  1. YAY WELCOME BACK!!!!!! LOVING the update! :)

  2. I love you and love our family. I'm glad you're writing again. Keep it up.
